This fansite is currently getting a full service makeover. Until we’re ready for the grand re-opening (which hopefully won’t be too long now), all site content will be offline. However, please feel free to browse the updates, which we are keeping online as a way for you to track our progress in real time. Thank you for stopping by =)
Simply Sarah Michelle Gellar
EST 2018 | your ultimate source for all things sarah michelle gellar
Oct 1st


To the best of the webmaster’s knowledge, all content, images, videos, sounds, photos, etc., if any, are being used in compliance with Fair Use Copyright Law 107. The webmaster reserves the right to make changes to any part of this site at any time. By visiting this website you agree not to threaten, harass, take legal action against, coerce, make demands or requests of, or force signatures or other legal contracts with the webmaster no matter what the reason, even if you feel you have legal right. You also agree not to hold the webmaster liable for anything you find on this site.

We do not wish to steal from anyone, If we have used anything of yours and have not given you proper credit it is probably because I did not know who you are, for credit all you need to do is send me an e-mail and I will credit you asap. What I have found I usually use, and it usually doesn’t have a person to credit so If I have used anything, and I mean anything including photos or scans or even articles, all you have to do is let me know. If you would like a removal of your content, send us an e-mail and we shall do it. Unless specified otherwise, the webmaster does not claim ownership to anything found on this site.

All Original Content is © SMG Network


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